Taos News

Have something to say?

Send us a letter or My Turn essay.

• Letters should be no more than 250 words. For My Turns, the limit is 750 words.

• Submissions must be original.

• Submissions are published in the order they are received.

• Include a daytime phone number to confirm authorship and town. (We won’t publish your number.) Anonymous submissions and pseudonyms are not accepted.

• Residents of Taos County are given priority.

• You may submit one item during a 30-day period.

• Emailed and typewritten pieces are preferred.

• Limit the number of people and/or organizations thanked to five.

• My Turn writers should include a one- or two-line bio, and may email a photo to accompany their piece.

• Pieces may be edited for content. The reserves the right to reject any submission.






Santa Fe New Mexican